Home → Image & Video Uploaders → Printer Friendly Version
Currently, the supported image types are: jpg · jpeg · gif · png · bmp · tif · swf (supported for logos).
We do not support .mp3 or any music files at this time.
The Quality Action determines the amount of compression that will be put on your images when they are uploaded. Good is the default quality setting. The higher the setting you choose, the less compression will be placed on your image when you upload and the larger your image will be, making your auction page load more slowly.
For Example: Maximum will put the least amount of compression if any on your images while Good will put the greatest amount of compression on your images. Higher compression has the advantage of little to no noticeable difference in appearance, but a smaller file size. A smaller file speeds up the loading of your auction page.
We recommend starting with the lowest setting and looking at the final result. If the quality appears to be affected, you can use the reupload option to try a better setting. Most digital camera images will look identical to the original at the lowest setting.
The Width Action determines the size your images will be scaled down to. Width is measured in pixels, and the default is 900px). If your images are smaller than the chosen Width, they will not be scaled up nor down, but will be left at their original size.
Watermark All Images*
If you have edited an image and added a watermark, you will see a Watermark All Images checkbox. If you would like the watermark added to the images you are going to upload, check the Watermark All Images checkbox.
Note: The option will only show if you added a watermark to an image, it will not show if you added text not using the watermark color.
Upload Category
By using the Upload Category drop-down menu, you may designate which category all your images will be uploaded to. Uncategorized is the the default, unless you change it.
New Category
You may create a new category without needing to first go to your Category Manager. Simply enter the category name of the new category you wish to create before selecting your images to upload. Your images will upload to this new category, and you will find it listed among your category names in your Category Manager as well as included in the Image Manager.
Note: This option is not available for the Classic Image Uploader.
*Must have advanced Image Editing enabled in Site Preferences. Please note that eBay no longer permits watermarks or added text within product images.
Bulk - HTML5:
PC: Firefox, Chrome, IE 10+ (dragging and dropping images is supported.)
Mac: Firefox, Chrome (dragging and dropping images is supported.)
If you use Firefox and need to upload images longer than 3999px on either side, we recommend using the RealUploader image uploader instead.
Using the Bulk - HTML5 Uploader:
How to Select Images (Mac):
In the uploader box, click on the Add more files button. A small window will open with a view of your hard drive's folders. On the left, navigate to Media and then to Photos. You can then select multiple photos by holding down the command key on your keyboard and clicking on each file name. Do NOT select folders, just file names. Then click on the Choose button. You will be returned to the uploader box and a list of all images selected will be displayed. To actually upload them to your account, click on the Upload button.
*If the choose option does not show, you will need to select your photos and drag them to your desktop and then select them from there.
Adobe Flash EOL (End of Life) is scheduled for December 31, 2020. Most browsers are already blocking flash applets, so we have removed the Bulk-Flash uploader as an option from Site Preferences.
How to remove selected image from uploader:
If you use the Fire Fox browser and encounter issues with the image uploader please try the following steps to resolve the issue.
First, please visit the www.java.com/verify web page and ensure that you have the latest Java version by following the update instructions that will appear on the screen.
If the problem still occurs, please check for the following issues:
A plugin is needed to display the content
The uploader page has a "plug-in is needed" message.
To resolve the issue:
1. Click on the plug-in icon at the left of your browser's address bar.
2. Click on Install Java. Or you can visit the https://www.java.com/en/download/mac_download.jsp page to download the java.
3. Follow instructions on the Java downloading and installation page.
4. After the Java has installed, restart your browser.
If you see the same warning message again, it means that the Java content is disabled in the browser.
To resolve this problem:
1. Open the Java Control Panel. To launch the Java Control Panel on Mac OS X (10.7.3 and above):
a. Click on Apple icon on upper left of screen and go to System Preferences.
b. Click on the Java icon to access the Java Control Panel.
2. Click on the Security tab and check the box "Enable Java content in the browser."
3. Move the security level cursor to "High" or lower.
4. Click on OK.
5. Restart your browser.
The plugin is disabled
The uploader page has a "plug-in disabled" message.
This means that the Java plug-in needs to be enabled in the Add-ons Manager.
To resolve the issue:
1. Click on Tools > Add-ons Manager.
2. On the left, click on the "Plugins" tab
3. Choose the Java applet plug-in
4. Select "Always Activate" on the dropdown menu.
5. Restart your browser.
The plugin is blocked
The uploader page has an "Activate Java Applet security" message.
To resolve the issue:
1. Click the message or the red plugin icon in the address bar, and choose "Allow and Remember."
Images do no upload
In the instructions below you will need to add your server to the Java site list.
You will need to edit the following URL and where you see "x", substitute the server number as seen in the URLs of your images within the Image Manager. (If you do not see a number, do not include the "x".) Then copy the URL.
Find the Java Control Panel:
Mac OS X 10.7+
Open System Preferences
Click on the Java preferences
Restart your browser.
Security messages
The uploader page displays the following security dialog:
1. Check the box next to "Do not show this again for apps from the publisher and location above.
2. Click on Run
Reinstall Java
If you are still unable to get java to work, please uninstall and then reinstall java.
Uninstall Java
Reinstall Java
If you use the Chrome browser and encounter issues with the image uploader please try the following steps to resolve the issue.
First, please visit the www.java.com/verify web page and ensure that you have the latest Java version by following the update instructions that will appear on the screen.
If the problem still occurs, please check for the following issues:
A plugin is needed to display the content
The uploader page has a "plug-in is needed" message.
To resolve the issue:
1. Click on the plug-in icon at the left of your browser's address bar.
2. Click on Install Java. Or you can visit the http://java.com/en/download/index.jsp page to download the java.
3. Follow instructions on the Java downloading and installation page.
4. After the Java has installed, restart your browser.
The plugin is disabled
The uploader page has a "plug-in disabled" message. Or you see an empty panel with no message.
This means that the Java plug-in needs to be enabled in the Add-ons Manager.
To resolve the issue:
1. Click on Tools > Add-ons Manager.
2. On the left, click on the "Plugins" tab
3. Choose the Java applet plug-in
4. Select "Always Activate" on the dropdown menu.
5. Restart your browser.
The plugin is blocked
The uploader page has an "Activate Java Applet security" message.
To resolve the issue:
1. Click the message or the red plugin icon in the address bar.
2. Choose "Allow and Remember" in the popup dialog to unblock Java
The plug in is out of date
The uploader page has a "plug-in is out of date" message.
To resolve the issue:
1. Go to Tools > Addons > Plugins.
2. Click on the link at the top of the plugins page that checks to see if your plugins are up to date.
3. Update the java plug in.
4. Restart your browser.
Images do no upload
The uploader page displays correctly, but does not upload your chosen files, this may mean that Java security settings are set too high.
To resolve the issue:
With the new Java Version 7 Update 51, there are some configurations that need to be done.
In the instructions below you will need to add your server to the Java site list.
You will need to edit the following url and where you see "x", substitute the server number as seen in the URLs of your images within the Image Manager. Then copy the URL.
Find the Java Control Panel:
Windows 8
Use search to find the Control Panel.
Press Windows logo key + W to open the Search charm to search settings.
Drag the Mouse pointer to the bottom-right corner of the screen, then click on the Search icon.
In the search box enter Java Control Panel.
Click on Java icon to open the Java Control Panel.
Windows 7, Vista
Click on the Start button and then click on the Control Panel option.
In the Control Panel Search enter Java Control Panel.
Click on the Java icon to open the Java Control Panel.
Windows XP
Click on the Start button and then click on the Control Panel option.
Double click on the Java icon to open the Java Control Panel.
Restart your browser.
Security message
The uploader page displays the following security dialog:
1. Check the box next to "Do not show this again for apps from the publisher and location above.
2. Click on Run
Reinstall Java
If you are still unable to get java to work, please uninstall and then reinstall java.
Uninstall Java
Reinstall Java
If you use the Internet Explorer browser and encounter issues with the image uploader please try the following steps to resolve the issue.
First, please visit the www.java.com/verify web page and ensure that you have the latest Java version by following the update instructions that will appear on the screen.
If the problem still occurs, please check for the following issues:
Installing Java
If your computer does not have an installed and enabled version of the Java, when you go to the image uploader you will be asked to install the add-on:
1. Click the "Install" button and follow instructions on the Java downloading and installation page.
2. After Java is installed, restart your browser.
Allowing Java
The uploader page shows a pop-up message asking you to run the add-on:
1. Click Allow.
Enabling Java
The uploader page doesn't load the uploader box and there are no warning messages.
This means that Java is disabled in browser settings.
To resolve the issue:
1. Go to Tools > Manage Add-Ons.
2. On the left under "Add-On Types" click on "Toolbars and Extensions."
3. Select the Java plug-in
4. Click the "Enable" button.
5. Restart your browser.
Images do not upload
The uploader page displays correctly, but does not upload your chosen files, this may mean that Java security settings are set too high.
With the new Java Version 7 Update 51, there are some configurations that need to be done.
In the instructions below you will need to add your server to the Java site list.
You will need to edit the following url and where you see "x", substitute the server number as seen in the URLs of your images within the Image Manager. Then copy the URL.
Find the Java Control Panel:
Windows 8
Use search to find the Control Panel.
Press Windows logo key + W to open the Search charm to search settings.
Drag the Mouse pointer to the bottom-right corner of the screen, then click on the Search icon.
In the search box enter Java Control Panel.
Click on Java icon to open the Java Control Panel.
Windows 7, Vista
Click on the Start button and then click on the Control Panel option.
In the Control Panel Search enter Java Control Panel.
Click on the Java icon to open the Java Control Panel.
Windows XP
Click on the Start button and then click on the Control Panel option.
Double click on the Java icon to open the Java Control Panel.
Restart your browser.
Security message
The uploader page displays the following security dialog:
1. Check the box next to "Do not show this again for apps from the publisher and location above.
2. Click on Run
Reinstall Java
If you are still unable to get java to work, please uninstall and then reinstall java.
Uninstall Java
Reinstall Java
If you use the Safari browser and encounter issues with the image uploader please try the following steps to resolve the issue.
First, please visit the www.java.com/verify web page and ensure that you have the latest Java version by following the update instructions that will appear on the screen.
If the problem still occurs, please check for the following issues:
Missing plug-in
The uploader page has a "Missing Plug-in" message.
This message means that a proper version of Java plug-in is not installed.
To resolve this problem:
1. Go to https://www.java.com/en/download/mac_download.jsp and download Java.
2. Follow instructions on the Java installation page.
3. Once the Java has downloaded and installed successfully, please restart your browser.
If the "Missing Plug-in" message is still displayed, this means that Java content is disabled in the browser.
To resolve this problem:
1. Open the Java Control Panel. To launch the Java Control Panel on Mac OS X (10.7.3 and above):
a. Click on Apple icon on upper left of screen and go to System Preferences.
b. Click on the Java icon to access the Java Control Panel.
2. Click on the Security tab and check the box "Enable Java content in the browser."
3. Move the security level cursor to "High" or lower.
4. Click on OK.
5. Restart your browser.
6. Log into your account and go to the image uploader. If you see an alert message, click the "Allow" button.
Blocked Plug-in
The uploader page has a "Blocked Plug-in" message
Usually the security dialog will ask if you want to allow or block the applet loading. If you choose to block it, the browser automatically blocks the applet until you unblock it.
There are two ways to unblock the applet and resolve the problem:
The first way:
1. Click the "Blocked Plug-in" message
2. Click the "Allow" button.
The second way:
1. Open Safari Preferences -> Security and click the "Manage Website Settings" button next to Internet plug-ins.
2. Choose "Allow" in the dropdown list next to appx.sellersourcebook.com and click the "Done" button.
3. Restart your browser.
No warning message
The uploader page doesn't load the uploader box and there are no warning messages.
This means that the Java is not allowed in browser settings.
To resolve this problem:
1. Open Safari Preferences > Security and set the "Allow Java" checkbox next to Internet plug-ins.
Java blocked and cannot access files
Safari versions 6.1 for OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion and 7.0 for OS X 10.9 Mavericks do not allow Java to access the local file system. You may either see a warning message instead of the uploader or not be able to navigate to folders and select files.
If you see the "Java blocked for this website" message, click it and choose "Trust" in the pop-up window.
The uploader will be displayed correctly, but you will still not be able to navigate folders and select files without more configuration.
To allow Java to access the local file system:
1. Go to Safari->Preferences, choose the "Security" tab, and click the "Manage Website Settings" button.
2. Select "Java" in the left column, click on the dropdown box next to appx.sellersourcebook.com, and click the "Run in Unsafe Mode" button in the pop-up list.
Images do not upload
The uploader page displays correctly, but does not upload your chosen files, this may mean that Java security settings are set too high.
In the instructions below you will need to add your server to the Java site list.
You will need to edit the following url and where you see "x", substitute the server number as seen in the URLs of your images within the Image Manager. Then copy the URL.
Find the Java Control Panel:
Mac OS X 10.7+
Open System Preferences
Click on the Java preferences
Restart your browser.
Security messages
The uploader page displays the following security dialog:
1. Check the box next to "Do not show this again for apps from the publisher and location above.
2. Click on Run
Reinstall Java
If you are still unable to get java to work, please uninstall and then reinstall java.
Uninstall Java
Reinstall Java
The Classic Upload method allows you to browse your hard drive and upload ten images at a time. This method will work with all browser types.
You may select a category for an individual image or use the Category drop-down in the Action Bar to have all images placed into a single category. If you do not select a category, images will be placed in Uncategorized. In addition, your uploads will show up in the temporary New Uploads category which shows all images uploaded in the last 24 hours.
The Caption field is used to place any information you would like to appear about the item directly under the image in your auction listing. The caption field is optional, and you have the ability to add captions to your images from the Image Manager or the Listing Generator.
Continue selecting images as described above. When you are finished, click on the Upload button at the top of the window or press ALT-U (Mac users press CTRL-U) on your keyboard. When the upload is complete, a confirmation message will appear at the top of the window, indicating how many files were uploaded. If there were any problems encountered, you will be alerted. You may then upload 10 more files or go to the Image Manager to view your images.
Images > Manager > RealUploader
Select Images by clicking Add files button:
1. Click the green Add files button.
A window to your computer's hard drive will open.
2. Locate the directory containing the images you wish to upload.
3. Hold down the Ctrl key and click on as many images as you would like to upload. Do NOT select folders.
4. Click the Open button at the lower right hand side of the window.
5. If you're ready to upload, cllick the blue Start upload button.
Image thumbnails for your selected images will appear in the uploader window. You may click the red remove icons that are within each thumbnail if you change your mind about that image.
You also individually start uploading certain images by clicking on the blue upload icon that's within an image thumbnail.
You can also click the red Remove all button to remove all the images.
When you're ready to upload your selected images, click the blue Start upload button.
Each thumbnail will display a progress bar. When your upload is finished, you will be returned to the Image Manager and you should see your images.
Images > Manager > RealUploader
Drag your images from the folder they are saved in on your computer and drop them in the image uploader. Note: Drag and Drop is not available on Mac due to changes made by Apple to their operating system.
How to Drag and Drop Images (PC only):
SSB has an image uploader app available for Android devices. The app is free and only requires you have an active SSB account.
[!] If there are any issues, please contact our support team directly so that we may assess the problem and make any fixes. Please do not submit a negative review or report bugs to Google directly. Thank you for your patience as we work to improve our app.
SSB Support: support@sellersourcebook.com
Download App:
Android 10+:
Our latest version of the app (version 3) supports Android 10-14 and is available on the Google Play Store:
If you have the old version (1.0.5 or earlier) of the SSB Uploader already installed on your phone, please delete it before downloading the new version (version 3) from the Google Play Store, as the old version will not be deleted automatically.
[!] If you are unable to find the SSB Uploader in the Google Play Store for your country, please contact our support team.
Below Android 10:
Although the old version of our SSB Uploader (version 1.0.5) is no longer on the Google Play Store, it may still be used if you have an older version of Android. You can click on the following link to download the old version's APK file directly:
APK file for SSB Uploader 1.0.5
You must open the APK file to install the app. Once the APK file is downloaded to your phone, use your phone's file explorer to locate the file, then tap on the file to "open" it. Your phone should ask if you wish to install the APK file, and the app installation will begin if you agree.
[!] If your phone does not allow you to download or install the file, please check our APK File Installation FAQ. If you are still unable to install the app, please contact our support team for further assistance.
How to Upload Images with the Android Uploader:
To begin, open the SSB Uploader app on your Android device.
Login Page:
Enter your SSB Username and Password and tap Sign in to continue.
Main Page:
In the middle of the page, two upload options are available: Upload From Gallery and Upload From Camera. From app version 3 onward, there is also a button to Change Upload Settings.
Change Upload Settings (app version 3+): Tap this to quickly open image upload settings (see Upload Settings heading, below).
Upload From Gallery: Tap this option to choose from existing photos on your phone. A page should open showing all of your phone's images, sorted from most to least recent. (If your images are not shown, check your phone settings to make sure that SSB Uploader has permission to access your photos.) Tap on a photo to select it. You may select up to 25 images to upload. If you change your mind about an image, simply tap it again to deselect it. You can also tap Cancel to deselect everything and return to the main page without uploading anything. Once your images are selected, tap OK, and your selected images will begin uploading.
Upload From Camera: Tap this option to take a new photo. Your phone's camera app should open. (If it does not, check your phone settings to make sure that SSB Uploader has permission to use your phone's camera.) Take the photo. If it didn't come out right, tap Retry (or the retry arrow) and take the photo again. Otherwise, tap OK (or the checkmark), and the photo you took will automatically begin uploading.
If you tap the 3-dot menu icon in the top right of the Main Page, an overflow menu will open. Help provides the app's current version and instructions to get started. You can also move to the Upload Settings page, Email Support, or Log Out. (Note: In app versions prior to 3, the Log Out option is located within Settings, instead.)
A progress bar for your uploading image(s) will be shown. When it reaches 100%, and your upload is complete, you will be returned to the main page.
Note: Screenshots in image above were taken in version 3.
Upload Settings:
The following options are found within Upload Settings:
Here, you can set the Width and Quality you want your photos to have when uploaded to our server. The available options are identical to those in our web uploaders.
Tap Image Category to choose an existing Image Manager category, or create a new category by choosing the Custom Category option, entering a name, and tapping Ok. (Note: Custom Category is the first option in the Category list, above Uncategorized. You may need to scroll up to see it.) The new custom category will be shown on the Upload Settings page preceded by "Custom:" (for example: "Custom:Flowers").
(i) Note: Changing image upload settings before uploading your image(s) is optional. If you do not select a Width / Quality before uploading images, the app will use the Width / Quality most recently used to upload images to your SSB account, whether via the app or one of our web uploaders. If you do not select an Image Category before uploading images, the app will use the Image Category most recently used to upload images during this app session, if applicable, or else use the default Image Category: Uncategorized.
If you have a Watermark established in your web account, you have the option of watermarking your images. Checkmark the checkbox to use a watermark, or un-check it to leave it out. (If you do not have a watermark, no watermark will be added, regardless of whether the box is checked or not.) The app will remember whether or not this box is checked.
When you're satisfied with the current settings, simply tap the Back button on your Android device to return to the main page and start uploading with your new image and watermark settings.
Note: Screenshots in image above were taken in version 3.
SSB has an image uploader app available for iOS devices. The app is free and only requires you have an active SSB account.
Download App:
The app can be downloaded using the following links:
US iTunes Store
UK iTunes Store
AU iTunes Store
How to Upload Images with the iOS Uploader:
To begin, open the SSB Uploader app on your iPhone or iPad.
Login Page:
Enter your SSB Username and Password and tap Login to continue.
Main Page:
Tap the camera icon to get started. A menu will open with the options Take a photo and Import from library.
Take a photo: Tap this option to take a new photo. Your phone's camera app should open. (If it does not, check your phone settings to make sure that SSB Uploader has permission to use your phone's camera.) Take the photo. If it didn't come out right, tap Retake and take the photo again. Otherwise, tap Use Photo. You will be returned to the main page, and the photo you took will be automatically added to the upload list.
Import from library: Tap this option to choose from existing photos your phone. Your photo folders should appear. (If they do not check your phone settings to make sure that SSB Uploader has permission to access your photos.) Tap the relevant photo folder. When it opens, tap on each image you wish to upload. Tap Done to add the photos to the upload list and be returned to the main uploader page. Repeat if necessary.
Repeat either process as needed to add more photos to the upload list. You may select up to 25 photos total.
If you change your mind about uploading any of the images in the upload list, tap the unwanted image. A green checkmark will appear. Tap Delete Selected, then OK.
When you're ready to upload the images in your upload list, tap Upload.
Upload progress for is shown via blue progress bars for each image. When an image has been successfully uploaded, a green checkmark should appear to the right of its progress bar. When all uploads are done, you may tap Continue to start another upload session. You will be returned to the main upload page, and the upload list will be empty.
Before an upload session is complete, you can tap Cancel to abort the upload partway through. All images that had already uploaded will stay uploaded, and most images that had started to upload (the progress bar was beginning to fill) will likely be uploaded, but the images that were still waiting in the queue will be dropped.
You can tap the 3-line menu icon in the top right of the Main Page to reach the Settings page.
Here, you can set the Quality and Width you want your photos to have when uploaded to our server. When you first use the app, these will match the settings used in your web account. However, if you change the settings in the app, they will be retained until they are changed again. Tap Category to choose an Image Manager category, or create a new one by choosing the Custom option, entering a name, and tapping OK. If you have a Watermark established in your web account, you will also be given the option of watermarking your images. Toggle the switch on to use a watermark, or off to leave it out. (If you do not have a watermark, this option will be greyed out, and no watermark will be added regardless of where the switch is set.) Space Available is not a changeable setting. It shows, in MB, the amount of image hosting space available in your SSB account. For example, if Space Available reads "255.3", it means you have 255.3 MB of space left in your account.
When you're satisfied with the current settings, simply tap the back arrow in the top left to return to the main page and start uploading with your new image settings.
Here, you can check the app's current Version, Email Support, or Logout.
eBay Seller Video is supported for the following eBay sites at this time: eBay US, eBay Motors US (Parts & Accessories), eBay UK.
You must have an SSB Deluxe account and be using the Advanced Listing Launcher to use this feature.
Before it can be attached to any listings, a video must be uploaded to eBay and approved for your eBay Seller ID. eBay's video approval process usually takes about 12 hours, but can take as long as 48 hours, so videos should be uploaded in advance.
If you have multiple eBay Seller IDs, make sure the correct Seller ID is selected during upload, as eBay approves videos per Seller ID. Whichever ID is selected during upload will be the ID eBay approves the video for. If you upload your video to the wrong Seller ID, you will need to upload the video again.
Video Format Requirements:
eBay has the following video format requirements:
The ideal video should be one minute (60 seconds) long or less.
Uploading your videos:
Navigate to Images > Manager > eBay Video Uploader
At the next screen, click the Browse button to open a window to your computer's hard drive. Navigate to the folder containing your videos. Your videos must use the .mp4 format. Click on a video to select it and click the Open button.
Select the eBay Seller ID for which you need this video approved. Note that eBay's approval will be for this ID only.
Enter a title for your video. This title will be shown with the video's thumbnail when selecting a video in the Listing Launcher.
Enter a description of your video.
Click the "Upload" button.
After Upload:
Upon successful upload, a Video ID will be assigned to your video by eBay. Video thumbnails are displayed within the Image Manager. Navigate to Images > Manager > View Images and, by default, you'll land within the Newly Uploaded category. You will see a black video camera icon (shown below) where the image thumbnail is usually displayed. The video will have a status of PROCESSING.
Once eBay has copied and approved your video, the video's status will change to LIVE, and an image thumbnail for your video will replace the camera icon. Note that all videos are filed in the reserved category "eBay Videos", within the Image Manager. However, a newly uploaded video may also be found in "New Uploads", if uploaded recently.
Attaching Video to Listing:
Once your video is LIVE, you will be able to select it within the Listing Launcher. While preparing a listing for launch, scroll down to the Image Promotions section of the Listing Launcher and click on the "Attach Video" checkbox. The Add Video icon (shown below) will appear. Click on it to pull up a list of available videos. Each video thumbnail is labeled with the relevant video title, for ease of identification. Click on your video to attach it to the listing.
Currently, eBay only allows the attachment of one video per listing. However, you may use the same video among different listings under the same eBay Seller ID.
Only videos approved for your eBay Seller ID will be available for selection in the Listing Launcher.
You may add a video during a Revise or a Relist of an item. You may also remove a video by unchecking the "Attach Video" checkbox.
Why can't I find my video in the Attach Video option list?
1. Your video may not have been approved by eBay yet. Check the status of your video in the Image Manager, to make sure your video is LIVE.
2. Your video may have been uploaded to a different Seller ID. Check the Seller ID attached to your video in the Image Manager, to make sure it matches the Seller ID you're listing to.
eBay approves videos for particular Seller IDs. Even if a video was approved for one Seller ID, eBay will not permit you to use that video for another ID. To use the video for another Seller ID, you must upload it to that other ID, then wait for eBay to approve it for that ID.
^(For example: Let's say you have two eBay Seller IDs -- one for postcards, and one for clothes. You upload a video to the postcards ID. Once that video is approved by eBay, it can be used for any listing made using the postcards ID. However, it cannot be used for the clothes ID, because eBay only approved it for the postcards ID. To use that video for the clothes ID, you must upload it to the clothes ID and wait for eBay to approve it again.)
For more info on eBay Seller Video, plus tips on what kinds of videos to include with your listings, we suggest reviewing eBay's own article on Adding a video to your listing.