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eBay Items

Information about listings you have launched to eBay.

1. eBay Items

1.1. eBay Items Overview

Listings > eBay Items > Launched
The eBay Items pages are your "at-a-glance" place to view the status of eBay listings that you've launched (or scheduled to launch) to a supported eBay site using our Listing Launcher or imported to SSB using our Listings Import utility. The official eBay time is displayed at the top of the page, based on your default Listing Profile's country. At this time, the SSB Listing Launcher supports eBay US, AU, CA, UK, and eBay Motors US.
Different eBay Items Categories (sometimes called "views") show different sets of listings. Listings successfully launched from SSB can be found in eBay Items Launched. Listings scheduled for later are kept in eBay Items Scheduled until they launch. Scheduled listings that fail to launch are moved to eBay Items Failed. If you import any listings that were made directly at eBay, they'll be placed in eBay Items Imported. A full list of Categories can be found in our eBay Items Categories Overview article.


1.2. eBay Items Page Layout

Listings > eBay Items > Launched


(Note: Due to program updates, the text in this screenshot may be outdated, but the overall layout remains the same.)

1. Category Selector: Select a Category to view: Scheduled, Failed, All Launched, Active, Unsold, Sold, Paid, Shipped, Transferred, Archived, or Imported.
2. eBay Seller ID filter: Select a specific eBay ID to view, or all of them.
3. Update List: After selecting a different category via the Category selector, click the Update List button to view that category.
4. eBay Title/SKU/Item ID Search: Enter your eBay item's title, SKU or ID number to perform a search in the current category. If you enter a valid item number belonging to your eBay ID, but the listing is not found in your SSB account, it will be imported from eBay if available. (This is sometimes called a "quick import".)
5. Page Selector: Select a page or use the arrows to view the previous or next page of listings.
6. Bulk Actions: Bulk actions that can be performed on selected listings. Available actions differ depending on the current Category.
7. Expand/Collapse All: Click on this orange arrow to expand or collapse all listing records in the table.

Single Listing Expanded View: Click the arrow to the left of a listing title to view all of the details for that listing. The arrow will point down, and the details of your listing will display.
Mousing over the magnifying glass next to the gallery image thumbnail will display a larger preview of your image. Listings that do not have gallery images selected for them will display the "No Image" graphic. If an image has been deleted from the Image Manager, a "Seller's Image No Longer Online" graphic will display.
Collapsed View: Collapse the listing record to move details out of the way. This helps reduce the amount of scrolling on the page, and shows you the most important information about your listings.

8. Sort Order: Click on this orange arrow arrow to reverse the current sort order. Different views offer different sorting options. (Usually, you may sort by either Title or Time. If a column heading looks like an orange link, clicking on it should re-sort your listings by that attribute.)
9. Actions Selector: Offers actions available for each individual listing.

NOTE: The "Delete" action has been renamed to "Remove from SSB" to better reflect its function.

2. eBay Items Categories

2.1. eBay Items Categories Overview

Listings > eBay Items > Launched
While on an eBay Items page: Select a Category, then click "Update List".
eBay Items Categories:
Different eBay Items Categories (sometimes called "views") show different sets of listings. Most categories can be accessed by navigating to Listings > eBay Items > CATEGORY, but some do not have direct links in the Listings sub-menu. For those, you must navigate to one of the other categories, click on the Category dropdown, select the category you wish to view, and then click the "Update List" button.
Below is a list of all categories and their contents:
  1. Scheduled: Listings scheduled to launch to eBay.
  2. Failed: Scheduled listings that failed to launch to eBay.
  3. All Launched: Listings that were launched to eBay.
  4. Active: Listings launched from SSB that are active on eBay and waiting to be purchased (both Fixed price and Auction style).
  5. Unsold: Listings launched from SSB that ended without a sale.
  6. Sold: Record of each sale for listings launched from SSB.
  7. Paid: Record of paid items.
  8. Shipped: Record of shipped items.
  9. Transferred: Listings that were moved from one eBay ID to another using our Transfer utility.
  10. Archived: Archived copies of ended listings.
  11. Imported: Record of listings imported using our Listings Import utility.

Note: If you list an item from SSB and it ends, and then it is Relisted or Sold Similar from eBay (a new item number generated) and that new item sells, it will not appear in the Sold category at SSB. Please try to perform your relisting and selling similar from SSB whenever possible, to avoid this problem.

2.2. eBay Items Active

Listings > eBay Items > Active
eBay Item Active Category (View):
The Active category shows all items still running at eBay and waiting to be purchased.

You may perform the following Actions in the Active Category: Sell Similar, Revise, End Item, and View.
  • If you have a Bonanza profile and token for a Bonanza ID, To Bonanza will also be available.
  • If you have an Etsy profile and token for an Etsy ID, To Etsy will also be available. (See Related Pages, below.)
  • If you have eBay profiles and tokens for more than one eBay ID, Transfer will also be available.
In the Type/Status column:
  • The listing type is shown as barcode on orange background Fixed Price or auction hammer on yellow background Auction.
  • The Sold status will be shown  checkmark on green background if the item has sold.*
  • The Returned status will be shown letter R with rightward arrow on dark background if the item has been returned.

*(Note: The sold status can be seen in the Active category if a listing has a Quantity higher than 1. For example, if a listing launches with a Quantity of 5, and 3/5 sell right away, records for the 3 sold items will be added to the Sold category, but the listing will still have a record in Active, because the remaining 2/5 are still available.)


2.3. eBay Items Unsold

Listings > eBay Items > Unsold

eBay Items Unsold Category (View):

Any item launched from SSB that didn't result in a sale will be moved from the Active category to the Unsold category. From the Unsold category, you may relist your items. Items may still continue to be relisted from the Launched category as well, but it is easier to find items to be relisted from the Unsold category.



2.4. eBay Items Sold, Paid, and Shipped

Listings > eBay Items > Sold
eBay Items Sold Category (View):
Each time you make a sale, a transaction is recorded in the Sold category.

If you have a multi-quantity or variations listing (Fixed Price), a transaction record will be added to Sold for each sale that occurs for that one listing. However, the main listing record for your multi-quantity listing will remain in the Active category until all quantities have been sold. If you have an Auction style listing, then once the highest bidder has won your auction, it will be moved to the Sold category and removed from the Active category.

There are several Status icons that indicate what is going on with your listing:
Insured (for eBay US and Canada, where package insurance is available)
The accuracy of this information depends on the transaction data received from eBay. We synchronize with eBay daily based on your SSB account activity, and ask eBay for a fresh update right after you access your eBay Items pages. (Note: There is a 2-minute delay in this process to receive any fresh data from eBay, so if you don't see a recently-sold item in your Sold category, try checking the page again within a couple of minutes.)

You may perform the following Actions in the Sold Category: They are Sell Similar, Remove from SSB (previously named "Delete"), View, Mark As Shipped / Mark As Unshipped, and Add Insurance. (There is no "Mark as Paid" action.) You may also view and print a Packing Slip from the Actions menu, if desired.
Mark As Shipped / Mark As Unshipped:

The Mark As Shipped action allows you to send tracking and carrier information to eBay. It is offered only after an item has been paid by your buyer.

To add tracking, click Mark As Shipped, and a "Mark as Shipped" will open. Enter the tracking number and Shipping Service, then click on the "Mark As Shipped" button. The information you entered will appear in your eBay account next to the Sold item shown on the "My eBay" page. It will also be reflected within your buyer's "My eBay," in their purchase history.

The Mark As Unshipped action allows you to remove tracking and carrier information from eBay. It is offered only after an item has been marked shipped, in placed of the Mark As Shipped action.
Click Mark As Unshipped, and a "Mark as Unshipped" window will open. Click on the "Mark As Unshipped" button. The tracking number and shipping carrier will be removed from your account at SSB and at eBay for both your account and your buyer's.
Add Insurance:

The Add Insurance action is available only for sold items that are both Paid and Shipped. In other words, the buyer must have completed checkout at eBay, and the item must have been marked as shipped (either at eBay or at SSB).
Before using this action, check that you have sufficient Insurance Funds in your account, and add funds if necessary.

Selecting the Add Insurance action opens the "Add Insurance" workspace. For more information on this action and its workspace, please see the article Shipping Insurance: Add Insurance. Insurance may be added only within 48 hours of the ship date.

(Note: There is no "Cancel Insurance" action at this time. If you wish to cancel an insurance purchase, please contact our help desk.)
eBay Items Paid and Shipped Categories (Views):
When your buyer pays for a sold item, the "Paid" status is applied to the transaction record in Sold, and that record becomes viewable in the Paid category. Similarly, when the item is shipped (or marked as shipped), the "Shipped" status is applied, and the record becomes viewable in the Shipped category.
The Paid and Shipped categories are available mostly for convenience in finding items, and offer the same actions found in the Sold category.

2.5. eBay Items Imported

Listings > eBay Items > Imported
eBay Items Imported Category (View):
Items imported by the Listings Import utility will be shown in the Imported category.
After importing items, the top or bottom action bar (depending on your Site Preferences) will have an "Apply Template" button and an "Import More Items" button (which may be clicked to reopen the Listings Import utility).
Apply Template: This action wraps the imported item's description with an SSB template, allowing our system to properly interact with it. The "Apply Template" button in the action bar can be used to apply templates to multiple listings at once. Simply checkmark the selection boxes (up to 10) and then click the "Apply Template" button. Otherwise, you may choose to apply a template to a single listing by selecting the "Apply Template" action from its Actions menu. Either way, you will be brought to the "Apply Template" workspace. For more information on the "Apply Template" workspace, please see the article Apply Templates to Imported eBay Items.
  • A blue "T" icon (the letter T on a blue background) indicates that an SSB template has been applied to the imported item. Items with this status no longer offer the "Apply Template" action, so if you wish to change the template, you will need to use the "Revise" action. (Select the "Revise" action. When the Listing Launcher loads, click the "Edit Description" button. Choose a different template, click "Save Changes", and then click "Revise Now".)
  • The blue SSB letters (SSB) indicate that the item already had an SSB template when it was imported, and is already an "SSB Listing". This can happen if a listing was originally launched from SSB, but its listing record was deleted/removed, or if the listing was made by using SSB HTML code at eBay.
  • A large blue "X" (X) indicates that an SSB template was applied at some point, but our system cannot find one in the listing. This is often shown for ended listings, where eBay has already removed the listing's information from eBay. If you see this symbol on an active listing, you may need to use Apply Template again.

All imported items will be marked with an "i" icon () within the All Launched and Active categories.



3. eBay Items Launched

3.1. eBay Items Launched Overview

Listings > eBay Items > Launched

The All Launched category displays all listings that have successfully been posted to eBay via SSB. Active listings will be shown. Ended listings (both Sold and Unsold) are shown for 90 days from the date they were launched.
Listings that were scheduled to launch via SSB's scheduler are denoted by a small red asterisk () next to the listing title.
Bulk actions available in the All Launched category include "Remove from SSB" (formerly named "Delete"), "End Item", and 'Transfer".

(Note: The "User ID" selector is now "Seller ID". The "Delete" action is now "Remove from SSB".)


3.2. Use Sell Similar from a Launched Listing

Listings > eBay Items > Launched

How to Sell a Similar listing from eBay Item Launched:

You will be returned to the SSB Listing Generator where you may make changes to your images, title, or item description. You may even change the template.

You will reach the Listing Launcher page, with your previously selected options (including Category, Listing Type, Start Price, Gallery, Promotions and Shipping and Payment information) intact.

Please estimate your fees, and review your information on the fees page before you choose to either Schedule or Launch Now your listing.
You will reach a confirmation page.

NOTE: If your original scheduled date and time are in the past, you will not be able to proceed to the fees page until you have chosen a date in the future, or chosen to immediately launch your listing. Once you have either scheduled or immediately launched your listing, you will reach a confirmation page.

Should you change your mind about selling a similar item, click on the Cancel button.

3.3. Revise a Listing Launched to eBay

Listings > eBay Items > Launched

How to Revise a Listing Launched to eBay:

The action menu will show a Revise option next to an active listing if there are more than 12 hours left and there are no bids (auction format) or purchases (fixed price/store format).

Only listings that were posted to eBay via SSB's eBay Listing Launcher may be revised from SSB.

You will be brought to the Listing Launcher page.

You may make changes to your listing including title, subtitle, add promotions, change your return policy and even edit your description (to either change your template, add or remove pictures or change your text).

Limitations: You cannot change the listing type, store category, quantity, shipping or payment method. You may add promotions, but not remove them, as eBay does not refund for removal of promotions once they have been paid for.

If you would like to edit your description, click on the Edit Description button. Make your changes and click on Back to Launcher.

NOTE: If possible, we recommend that you use SSB's Revise function to make changes to your listings. It's best not to switch back and forth between using our system, and eBay's, as our system cannot track changes you may have made on eBay. Also, revising with SSB ensures the necessary data exists within the HTML of your listing for the Sell Similar and Relist functions to work as expected for the listings you have revised.

3.4. Relist a Launched Listing

Listings > eBay Items > Launched
How to Relist from eBay Item Launched:
Only ended listings that were posted to eBay via the SSB Listing Launcher may be relisted from SSB. If you have met eBay's relisting criteria, eBay will credit your insertion fee.
When you relist, eBay will assign a new eBay Item number and a new entry will be shown for that listing on the eBay Items Launched page.  When the listing ends you will need to relist from that listing and not from the original listing.

You will be brought to the Listing Launcher page.

If you would like to edit your description, click on the Edit Description button above your listing preview. Make your changes and click on Back to Launcher.

Note: You are also free to relist your items from your My eBay page at eBay although we don't recommend this as then your item will not show in SSB on the eBay Items pages. The images hosted by SSB, as well as the template will be retained for your relisted item.

3.5. Print a Packing Slip

Listings > eBay Items > Launched
Category/View: Sold, Paid and Shipped 

You may print a packing slip to include with the items you have sold.  The packing slip will show the items you have selected, the gallery image for the item, and a logo if your seller profile has a logo assigned.

How to print a packing slip:
Check mark one or more sold items and then click on the Packing Slip button.  Click on Download Printable PDF.  You will be given the option to Open or Save the file.  Once you open the file you can then print it.

If the seller profile used to create the listing has a logo assigned to it the log will show on the packing slip.

4. eBay Items Scheduled

4.1. eBay Items Scheduled Overview

Listings > eBay Items > Scheduled
The Scheduled category shows all listings that have been scheduled to launch via SSB's scheduler. Listings may be scheduled up to 90 days in advance, and may be rescheduled any time prior to their scheduled launch time.
Bulk actions available in the All Launched category include "Remove from SSB" (formerly named "Delete"), and "Reschedule".

4.2. Reschedule a Listing

Listings > eBay Items > Scheduled
How to Reschedule a Scheduled Listing:

Note: Listings scheduled via SSB's Scheduler do not display within in your eBay account under My eBay scheduled listings. This is because SSB is handling the scheduling of your listings and not eBay. Once the listings have launched, they will appear in your eBay account on the My eBay Active Selling page.

4.3. Edit a Scheduled Listing

Listings > eBay Items > Scheduled
How to Edit a Scheduled Listing:

You will be brought directly to the SSB Listing Launcher form.

If you would like to edit your description, click on the Edit Description button above your listing preview. Make your changes and click on Back to Launcher.

Once you have made your changes, click on the Estimate Fees button. You will be brought to the fees page. Under Listing Details note there is now a message that "Your previously scheduled listing will be updated." If you are happy with the changes, click on the Schedule button.

Note: You are not restricted to keeping your listing as a scheduled one. If you wish, you may choose to immediately launch your listing instead.

Should you change your mind about editing your listing, click on the Cancel button.

4.4. Use Sell Similar from a Scheduled Listing

Listings > eBay Items > Scheduled
How to Sell Similar from a Scheduled Listing:

You will be returned to the SSB Listing Generator where you may make changes to your images, title, or item description. You may even change the template.

You will reach the SSB Listing Launcher page, with your previously selected options (including Category, Listing Type, Start Price, Gallery, Promotions and Shipping and Payment information) intact.

Please estimate your fees, and review your information on the fees page before you choose to either Schedule or Launch Now your listing.

You will reach a confirmation page.

Should you change your mind about selling a similar item, click on the Cancel button.

4.5. Cancel a Scheduled Listing

Listings > eBay Items > Scheduled
How to Cancel a Scheduled Listing:

5. eBay Items Failed

5.1. eBay Items Failed Overview

Listings > eBay Items > Failed
The Failed category shows all listings that had been scheduled using SSB's scheduler, but failed to launch. Information for failed listings is available for 90 days from the attempted launch date.

Note: Before you try to reschedule or immediately launch a listing, it's important to determine why the listing failed to launch in the first place, as there is the risk it could fail again if you don't make the appropriate corrections. If the "Reason" field does not indicate why the launch failed, or if the reason given is unclear, please contact SSB Support for assistance.



5.2. Edit a Failed Listing

Listings > eBay Items > Failed
How to Edit a Failed Listing:

You will be returned to the SSB Listing Launcher.

You may make changes to all options.

If you would like to edit your description, click on the Edit Description button above your listing preview. Make your changes and click on Back to Launcher.

You may choose to immediately launch your listing instead of keeping it as scheduled by selecting the List immediately radio button instead, or pick a new date and time (since your original will now be in the past).

Click on Estimate Fees and review your changes.

Click on the Schedule or Launch Now button (depending on whether you chose to reschedule the listing or launch it immediately).

If you change your mind about making corrections, click on the Cancel button.

5.3. Reschedule a Failed Listing

Listings > eBay Items > Failed
Scheduled listings can fail to launch for a number of reasons. Provided the original reason for the failure is addressed, you can then reschedule the listing.
How to Reschedule a Failed Listing:

The listing entry will be moved from the Failed category to the Scheduled category.

5.4. Delete a Failed Listing

Listings > eBay Items > Failed
How to Delete a Failed Listing:

6. eBay Items Unsold

6.1. Bulk Relist

Listings > eBay Items > Unsold
How to Bulk Relist:



Wait for the listings to load.  The information needs to be pulled from eBay so it may take a few minutes depending on how many listings you selected.




7. eBay Items - Listings Import

7.1. Importing Items from eBay

Listings > eBay Items > Listings Import

The eBay Items Listings Import page is better known as our eBay Importer. Using the importer, you can import listings and their images to our system (either separately or at the same time), so long as they belong to your eBay Seller ID(s). Importing a listing will create a listing record for it in your eBay Items Imported view on SSB. Importing an image will upload it to your SSB Image Manager. When importing images, you may select the quality and width at which they are uploaded.

Only ACTIVE items may be imported, so be sure you have a profile set up for your eBay Seller ID and that you have obtained a token.

Finding Listings to Import:

If you haven't already, please navigate to Listings > eBay Items > Listings Import.

When the importer loads, you will need to select a Seller ID / Site and a search option. Currently, the first search option is selected by default:

Search by keywords in Title: This option tells the importer to search the selected Seller ID for listings with the specified keyword(s) in their titles. When selected, a text field labeled "Keywords" will be shown below the search options. Type your keyword(s) there. Multiple keywords should be separated by spaces. If you're looking for a specific phrase, you may also put it in quotes.

Search for specific items (up to 20): This option tells the importer to search the selected Seller ID for listings with the specified item ID number(s). When selected, a text field labeled "Listing IDs" will be shown below the search options. Type or paste your item ID(s) there. Multiple item IDs should be entered on separate lines.

Search for 50 ending soonest: This option tells the importer to search the selected Seller ID for the 50 listings ending soonest.

When you're ready, click the Search button. The importer will begin searching your active listings at eBay, and will show the results in a table.

Note: The importer can only find active listings that have been indexed by eBay (e.g. they show up in eBay search results). Newly launched listings will not be shown in search results until they have been indexed.

If you're not satisfied with the results, simply click the Redo Search button to go back and change your search.

Importing Your Listings:

The importer's action bar has four dropdown option lists (Seller ID / Site, Import, Width, and Quality) and shows three different total counts (Found, Already Has Template, and Available for Import). It also contains the "Import Checked Items" button.

Seller ID / Site: Choose your Seller ID from this dropdown to be shown a list of importable items for that Seller ID. 

Import: Choose what information to import. To import both the listings and your images from eBay, keep the default "Listing & Image" option (recommended). The "Listing Text only" option will import the listing, but not its images. The "Images only" option will import the eBay Picture Service images, but not the listing.

Quality and Width: If your existing images at eBay are 1600px wide and you wish them to be imported the same width to your Seller Sourcebook account, be sure to select "1600px" for Width and the "Maximum" Quality setting. For any new listings or transfers, the images you import will be sent back to eBay in the same condition they arrived at SSB when you imported them.

Found: How many listings the importer located for that Seller ID, total.
Already Has Template: How many of the found listings already have SSB templates applied to them.
Available for Import: How many of the found listings do not have listing records in your account. These are the listings you will be able to import to SSB.

Below the action bar, you should see a table of listings available for import. For the eBay Importer, the table headings are: a master checkbox, SSB, Item ID, Title, Time Left, Type, Bids, and Price.

A checkbox can be used to select or deselect a listing. The SSB column in the table indicates whether listings were generated by SSB or not (Yes or No). As a new subscriber, you would see "No" in the SSB column for all listings. Item ID shows the ID number of the listing, and links to that listing on eBay. The listing's Title, the amount of Time Left, the Type of listing (Fixed Price or Auction), how many Bids (if Auction) there are, and the base Price are also displayed.

Using the checkboxes, checkmark the items you wish to import. You may import up to 50 items per importing session. Clicking on the checkbox in the table's header will select all listings on the page. If you are new to SSB or importing items to SSB, we suggest selecting only a few to start, until you become familiar with our system.

When ready, click on the Import Checked Items button.

You will then be taken to the eBay Items Imported view where your items will be displayed. Please wait for the images to import to your account before starting another importing session. There will be a progress indicator reflecting how many images are being imported. 

The action "Apply Template" will be available within the Actions dropdown list for individual listings. The action bar (top or bottom) of the page will have an "Apply Template" button as well as an "Import More Items" button.

Items that have been imported to your account will be indicated by within eBay Items Launched.

[!] Note: If the imported items were not already SSB listings, you should apply templates to them after importing. Without a template, you will not be able to edit a listing's description during revision (via SSB) or utilize our listing transfer utility.

7.2. Apply Templates to Imported eBay Items

Listings > eBay Items > Imported


Applying SSB templates is necessary to convert imported items to our system. An SSB template is what tells our system that your listing is an "SSB listing". If a listing doesn't have an SSB template, our program won't be able to edit its listing description or transfer it to another eBay account. This does not need to be done for listings that were originally launched via SSB, as those have SSB templates applied to them automatically.

Selecting Items to Apply Templates to them:

If you haven't already, navigate to Listings > eBay Items > Imported.

Locate an imported eBay listing that does not yet have an SSB template.

To apply a template to only one listing: From the Actions menu next to your item, choose "Apply Template".

To apply a template to multiple listings at once: You may checkmark multiple items (up to 10) using the checkboxes found just before the item titles, then click the "Apply Template" button found in the top action bar.

The Apply Template Workspace:

After clicking Apply Template, the "Select a Template" window will open. To select a template, click on its thumbnail. On the Apply Template page, your selected template will be indicated in the top action bar. If you wish to change the selected template, click on the "Selected Template" link to reopen the "Select a Template" window.

(i) Tip: The plainest template we have is named "Blank - Only Text & Photos." You can find it by searching for "blank" or "plain".

The action bar also contains a checkbox labeled "include imported image in template," which is checkmarked by default. If this option is left selected when the template is applied, your images will automatically be embedded within the template, using our full-split layout.

Below the action bar, a table with listing information is shown. The table headings show a master checkbox, Item ID, Title, Time Left, Type, Bids, Price, Actions, and Status.

A checkbox can be used to select or deselect a listing. Item ID shows the ID number of the listing, and links to that listing on eBay. The listing's Title, the amount of Time Left, the Type of listing (Fixed Price or Auction), how many Bids (if Auction) there are, and the base Price are also displayed. The Actions column contains buttons you can use to Edit the listing description or Preview its appearance. The final column displays the listing's Status.

If you selected multiple listings prior to entering the Apply Template, you may use the checkboxes to uncheck any listings you do not wish to apply the selected template to.

Items must be edited individually. To edit the item description for a listing, click on the tools icon in its Actions column, and a quick editor will open. Any images we imported for that listing will be shown at the top. Using this editor, make any needed changes, then click the Save button. (Note: If you don't make edits with this quick editor, you will have the opportunity to do so via the individual Revise action later.) Click on the magnifying glass icon to preview what your listing description will look like.

Repeat this process for other listings if you wish.

When ready to apply the template to your listings, click on the Apply Template Now button in the top action bar.

The template you've chosen will be applied to all selected items at eBay! If "include imported image in template" was left checkmarked, you images will also be embedded automatically, using our full split layout. (Note: The image layout may be changed later via our single Revise action.)

You will see a confirmation dialog box confirming that the template has been applied. Please note that only items that qualify for revision per eBay's rules may have templates applied. (If your item ends in 12 hours, or has bids or pending offers, you will not be able to apply a template.) If there are any errors, they will be shown.

After Applying Templates:

You will be returned to the eBay Items Imported view. Items that have had a template applied will be marked with this symbol in eBay Items Imported:

If you wish, you may select other items to apply a template.

Once you have applied a template, you may not apply another via this method. If you need to change the template currently applied to a listing, use the Revise action and click "Edit Description" inside the Listing Launcher. You will be able to change your listing's template there.

IMPORTANT: When using the Apply Template utility, NO profile information from your Seller Sourcebook Seller Profile is inserted into the listing. We are simply wrapping the current listing in a template. If you want to have information from your SSB Seller Profile inserted into the listing as well, or wish to change to a different template or layout, please use the "Revise" action from eBay Items Imported after applying the template.

8. Copy an eBay listing to another listing venue

8.1. eBay to Etsy

Action: To Etsy:

If you would like to sell a similar item from eBay to Etsy, navigate to Listings > eBay Items > Launched.

Select the listing's To Etsy action. You can choose this action for both active and ended items.

The Etsy Lister will load with some listing information inserted. Your photos, Listing Details and Item Description will be loaded, as well as your Price, Quantity and SKU. For auction-style items, we will use the start price, unless a BIN existed. In that case, we use the BIN price instead. If you were using a calculated shipping profile, we will load the Item Weight and Item Size values, but it is up to you to select an appropriate Etsy shipping profile.

Etsy allows 10 images only. We load all your eBay item images (up to 24) to the Etsy Lister for your convenience, so that you may decide which 10 you wish to send to Etsy. If you have more than 10 images, you will see a warning that says, "Etsy allows 10 images only. Please review and remove extra images before saving a draft or publishing your listing." If you forget to remove the extras, you will be shown an error by Etsy, and Etsy will drop the images from the end of the list, but the listing will still launch.

Since Etsy does not support designer templates, the template will be automatically removed from your item description. We attempt to separate your profile information for readability, but you may need to edit your text for best appearance.

Because category structure differs between eBay and Etsy, we do not select a category for you, but instead display the category you used at eBay for your reference. You will need to search for an appropriate Etsy category (using the magnifying glass icon) and select it.

We also copy your eBay Item Specifics to your Etsy tags, for reference. You can refer to this information to select your Etsy Attributes, and then remove the unneeded tags. At this time, we are not able to match eBay Item Specifics to Etsy Attributes because they are category dependent and there isn't a one-to-one match between eBay and Etsy.

Fill out all other necessary fields within the form. Select an appropriate shipping profile and a return policy. When finished, either "Save as Draft" or "Publish" your listing.

Please note that "To Etsy" does NOT end your original eBay listing. If you don't want to be running the items concurrently, please go back to eBay Items and end your item if it's active at eBay. Otherwise, leave it but be sure to end your eBay item if the item sells at Etsy. Our system does NOT automatically end duplicate items!


  • Variations listings are not supported.
  • eBay Seller Video is not carried over.

9. Transfer eBay Items to another eBay Seller ID

9.1. Transferring eBay Items: Overview & Requirements

Listings > eBay Items > Imported
Listings > eBay Items > Launched

Transfer action (single) OR Transfer button (bulk)


Our transfer utilities allow you to transfer active SSB listings from one eBay Seller ID to another Seller ID on the same listing site. Although "transfer" implies that each listing will simply be moved from one ID to another, eBay does not permit listings to be moved between accounts. Instead, our utilities copy the original ID's listing, launch a near-duplicate listing to the target ID, and then end the original listing.

Transfers may be done either individually, via our Single Item Listing Transfer Utility, or in groups, via our Bulk Transfer Utility. To transfer items, you'll need to have a profile and a token for each Seller ID. The transfer utilities only transfer SSB listings, so if your listings were made at eBay, you'll also need to import the listings you wish to transfer, and apply templates to them (to convert them to our system).

Transfer Requirements:

Both utilities have the same requirements for transferring items. To transfer items, the following statements must be true:

1. For each Seller ID, you have at least one Seller Profile (for the same Listing Site as the other ID) and a valid Token.

Profiles are required by our program, while tokens give us permission to work with your items. The listing site must be the same for each profile because our utility can only transfer between IDs on the same eBay site. (In other words, you can transfer items from one eBay US account to another eBay US account, but not from an eBay US account to an eBay UK account. eBay Motors (US) is treated as a separate site to eBay US, so if you wish to transfer Motors listings, you must set up profiles for Motors.)

2. The listings that you wish to transfer are recorded in your Seller Sourcebook account.

When you launch a listing via SSB or import a listing from eBay, a record of that listing is added to your SSB account (in either your eBay Items Launched view or Imported view, respectively). We call this a "listing record", and each of your listings must have one in order to be transferable. When you import listings that were not made via SSB, be sure to import their images with them.

3. The listings that you wish to transfer have Seller Sourcebook templates.

The utilities will only transfer "SSB listings", or listings that have SSB templates. The template is a framework that surrounds your listing description and contains variables used by our program. Listings made via SSB should already have templates, but listings imported from eBay will need to have SSB templates applied to them. Applying templates is what converts listings to our system.

If you regularly use our Listing Launcher and only wish to transfer listings made via SSB, you may already meet these requirements.

If you are new to our service and/or will be transferring items that were made directly at eBay, please follow the steps in the First Time Transfer Guide. The first 3 steps correspond to the 3 requirements listed above.

9.2. First Time Transfer Guide

First Time Transfer Guide:

If this is your first time transferring eBay listings from one Seller ID (the "original ID") to another (the "target ID") using our program, the process involves the following broad steps:

  1. Preparing Profiles and Tokens
  2. Importing Listings from eBay
  3. Applying Templates to Imported Listings
  4. Transferring Listings

(Note: If you regularly use our Listing Launcher, and only wish to transfer listings made via SSB, you may already meet the transfer requirements. If all requirements are met, steps 1-3 do not apply to you, so you may skip to step 4.)


First, for each Seller ID, you need to have a Seller Profile and a valid Token. Both profiles need to be for the same Listing Site. If this is already true, skip to Step 2.

Navigate to Listings > Utilities > Seller Profiles.

Profiles: In the Profile List, do you have profiles for both your original and target Seller IDs? Are they both for the same Listing Site?

If not, you'll need to Create a Seller Profile. Click on the "Create New Profile" button to start making a profile. You'll be prompted to select a Listing Site. Select the listing site, then enter the Seller ID you wish to make this profile for. Enter a Profile Name to help you remember the purpose of this profile, then click "Save". If this is your first time making a profile for this Seller ID, you may be immediately redirected to get a token for it.

If you need to edit a saved profile, look for that profile in the Profile List and select "Edit" from its Actions dropdown.

Tokens: Below the Profile List, in the Token Management Table, do you have tokens for both your original and target Seller IDs? Are they both valid?

If not, you'll need to Get a Token. To the right of the Seller ID you wish to get a token for, select "Get token" from the Actions dropdown. Click OK on the redirect screen and sign in to eBay when prompted. Be sure to sign in to the Seller ID that you need the token for! eBay may ask you to authorize SSB to interact with your listings. Be sure to Agree & Continue to generate the token.

Once you have profiles and tokens for both your Seller IDs, and both profiles are for the same listing site, you're ready to move on.


Next, you need to use our Listings Import utility to import your items from the original Seller ID. You should import the images, too. This should be done for any items you wish to transfer that do NOT currently exist in your eBay Items Launched or Imported views (i.e. they were created at eBay and have not yet been imported). If all of the items you wish to transfer are already at SSB, skip to Step 3.

Listings Import Instructions:

Navigate to Listings > eBay Items > Listings Import.

For Seller ID, select your original ID. You will be shown a list of items for your Seller ID. You can import up to 50 listings at a time.

To import both the listings and your images from eBay, keep the default "Listing & Image" option (recommended).

You will see image width & quality settings. If your existing images at eBay are 1600px wide, and you wish them to be imported the same width to your Seller Sourcebook account, be sure to select 1600px and the maximum quality setting. This is the image size that we will send back to eBay for any new listings or listing transfers.

Use the checkboxes to select which items you wish to import. We suggest selecting only a few listings, to start.

When ready, click on the "Import Checked Items" button. You will taken to the eBay Items Imported view, where your imported listings will be displayed. The import progress of imported images will be shown in a message near the top of the page.

After importing listings, the action "Apply Template" will be available within the Actions drop down list for individual listings. The action bar (top or bottom of the page) will have an "Apply Template" button as well as an "Import More Items" button.

For more detailed information on this step, click here.


Once listings have been imported, you'll need to use the Apply Template utility to apply SSB templates to your imported listings. Doing this converts them to SSB listings, so our transfer utilities will recognize them. If your imported listings already have SSB templates, skip to Step 4.

Apply Template Instructions:

Navigate to Listings > eBay Items > Imported.

You may apply a template to up to 20 listings at once, but we recommend applying a template to one listing, first, to see how it affects your listing description. (This is especially important if your listing description already contains a third party template, as our template code may conflict with the existing template.)

[!] Note: If your listing's appearance is negatively affected by the template application, please contact our support desk for assistance before continuing. We may be able to reverse the change.

To apply a template to one listing, look to the right of your listing, and select "Apply Template" from the Actions dropdown menu.

To apply a template to multiple listings (up to 20 at a time), select one or more items via the checkboxes shown before the listings' Item Titles, then click on the "Apply Template" button in the top action bar.

When you enter the Apply Template workspace, the "Select a Template" page will open.

Select a Template Category or use the search box in the top-right to look for a template. To select a template, simply click on its thumbnail.

(i) Tip: The plainest template we have is named "Blank - Only Text & Photos", and can be found by searching for "blank" or "plain".

At the next page, your selected template will be indicated in the top action bar. Below, you may uncheck any listings, if you wish.

Near the top-right, you should see an option labeled "include imported image in template". If you leave this checkmarked, your images will automatically be embedded within the template (using our full-split layout) when the template is applied to your listing description.

When you're ready, click on the "Apply Template Now" button, and the template you've chosen will be applied to all selected items at eBay.

You should see a dialog box confirming that the template has been applied. If there are any errors, they will be shown here. Only items that qualify for revision (per eBay's rules) may have templates applied. If your item ends in 12 hours, or has bids or pending offers, you will not be able to apply a template.

You will be returned to the eBay Items Imported view. You may select other items to apply a template. 

(Note: When using the Apply Template utility, no profile information from your SSB Seller Profile is inserted into the listing. We simply wrap the original listing description in a template. If you want information from your profile inserted into the listing as well, or wish to change to a different template or layout, you may perform a Revise action from eBay Items Imported after applying the template.)

For more detailed information on this step, click here.


You should now be able to Transfer your listings using one of our transfer utilities! Listings may be transferred individually or in groups of up to 20. Individual transfers allow for the description to be edited during the transfer process.

Navigate to Listings > eBay Items > Imported.

Transfer Instructions:

To transfer your items individually, continue to our article on Using the Single Item Listing Transfer Utility.

To transfer up to 20 items at once, continue to our article on Using the Bulk Transfer Utility.

9.3. Using the Single Item Listing Transfer Utility

Listings > eBay Items > Imported


The Single Item Listing Transfer Utility allows you to transfer an SSB listing from one Seller ID to a different Seller ID.

Preparing for Transfer:

If this is your first time using the transfer utility, please read the first article of this chapter before continuing. If you do not meet the transfer requirements, the transfer utility will not be able to transfer your listings.

Selecting an Item to Transfer:

If you are new to our service, please navigate to eBay Items Imported and locate the item you wish to transfer. Existing subscribers may do this in Launched view, instead, if the listing was launched via SSB.

[!] Before you continue: Make sure that your listing does not have pending bids or best offers. eBay will not allow us to end any listing with a bid or best offer (whether initiated by you or by a potential buyer), so please be sure to cancel any bids or offers before attempting to transfer an item to a different Seller ID.

From that item's Actions dropdown menu, select the "Transfer" option.

A small pop-in window will appear, asking which Seller ID you wish to transfer your items to. (Your original ID will be excluded automatically.) Click on the button for the appropriate target Seller ID. Our Listing Launcher will open, showing the listing you wish to transfer.

Single Transfer in the Listing Launcher:

We will load your category, item specifics, quantities*, and payment and shipping information.

    *(NOTE: We load the quantity available as indicated at eBay after any sales.)

Please double-check these entries and fill out any missing information. Currently, we do not populate the store categories, so any transfers will go to your "Other" store category.

The PayPal address is retrieved from your eBay preferences. Please double-check and make any corrections.

If you wish to change the template or layout, or add more images, click "Edit Description" for the Listing Generator window to open.

--Your item header and item description should prefill, as well as all images belonging to the listing (if you had also imported your images).

--You may change the template (if you don't like the one you chose when bulk applying templates, or change template options, such as colors, etc.).

Click "Save Changes" and the Listing Generator window will close.

Click "Estimate Fees & Finish."

Click "Launch Now."

You should see a message indicating successful transfer to your target Seller ID, and a message indicating that your original item is being ended.

NOTE: If you are pressed for time, and would like one of our team members to perform the desired transfers for you, please contact our help desk for a quotation and turnaround time. Our fees are reasonable.

9.4. Using the Bulk Transfer Utility [NEW]

Listings > eBay Items > Imported


The Bulk Transfer Utility allows you to transfer SSB listings from one Seller ID to a different Seller ID. Up to 10 items may be transferred at a time. NOTE: eBay UK is not supported at this time.

When your items are loaded into the bulk transfer workspace, you will have the opportunity to edit some information. Whether or not information can be edited is indicated when you mouseover a value. Items must be selected in order to be edited or transferred.

Preparing for Transfer:

If this is your first time using the transfer utility, please read the first article of this chapter before continuing. If you do not meet the transfer requirements, the transfer utility will not be able to transfer your listings.

Selecting Items to Transfer:

If you are new to our service, please navigate to eBay Items Imported and checkmark the items you wish to transfer. You may select up to twenty (20). Existing subscribers may do this in Launched view, instead, if the listings were launched via SSB.

[!] Before you continue: Make sure that your listing does not have pending bids or best offers. eBay will not allow us to end any listing with a bid or best offer (whether initiated by you or by a potential buyer), so please be sure to cancel any bids or offers before attempting to transfer an item to a different Seller ID. (If you plan to change a Fixed Price listing into an Auction while in the Bulk Transfer workspace, please also make sure that listing isn't accepting or considering best offers.)

At the top action bar, click Transfer. (Note: This button will not appear if you do not have transferable items. Make sure your items have SSB templates applied.)

A small pop-in window will appear, asking which Seller ID you wish to transfer your items to. (Your original ID will be excluded automatically.) Click on the button for the appropriate target Seller ID. Your transferable items will load into the bulk transfer workspace in a spreadsheet-like format.

Bulk Transfer Workspace:

Listings ready to be transferred will be selected when the workspace first loads. If you change your mind about transferring a listing, you may deselect it by unchecking its checkbox at the left-hand side.

Editing Fields:
The following fields may be edited: Item Title, Quantity, Buy it now Price*, Listing Type, Duration, Condition, Condition Description, and Paypal email. (Other fields may not be edited here, but you may edit them later by revising your listing via our individual Revise action.) Check to make sure that your PayPal email is correct for your target Seller ID.

*(Note: If at least one Auction is in the Bulk Transfer workspace, Start Price and Reserve Price will also be present and editable.)

Warnings & Errors:
When you edit a field, the listing's status may update to show an eBay warning or error. Warnings do not prevent you from launching an item, and many are simply informational. Errors, however, will prevent a listing from launching. When an error is encountered, the listing is automatically deselected. To resolve the error, please read through the error message, re-select the listing, and make corrections as needed.

When you're ready to transfer, click the Bulk Transfer button.

You will be prompted, "Are you sure you want to transfer the selected item(s) now?" Click OK to confirm.

Please be patient here as we verify your listings with eBay and automatically end the original items at eBay. For 20 items, the entire process usually takes at least 45 seconds.

Once the transfers are completed, you will see a confirmation page showing the new item numbers listed and any warnings that eBay returned.

Click Continue to be returned to the eBay Items view where you began (Imported or Launched).

Transferred Items:

Your original items will show "Transferred" in the Ends column. (Note: In some cases, an original listing cannot be automatically ended. If an item has a pending bid or best offer, or its reserve price has been met, eBay will not allow us to end the listing. Be sure to cancel any bids or offers before attempting to transfer an item to a different Seller ID.)

The items listed to your target ID will have a "TR" indicator to show they were transfers. To see this, navigate to "All Launched" view and select your target Seller ID.


If you have store listings, we do not attempt to match to your target store. Target listings will be filed in the "Other" category of the target ID's store.

Transfers may not be scheduled.

9.5. FAQ for eBay Transfer Utilities

How does it work?

We ask eBay for your item information and we send a new listing to your selected Target Seller ID. We preserve your images, item description, listing type and duration, listing category, item specifics, payment and shipping information.  Once the item has been "transferred" we then ask eBay to end your original item. 


The Transfer action is not offered for my imported item. Why not?

If you have imported an item from eBay, you must first apply an SSB template to convert it to our system. The "Transfer" option is not available until this has been done.


How many items may I select to transfer at a time?

The single item transfer utility, accessed via the actions drop down next to a listing, allows you to transfer just that item.

The bulk item transfer utility, accessed by checkmarking one or more items and clicking the "Transfer" button in the top action bar, allows you to transfer 20 items per session.


What listing types may be transferred?

You may transfer fixed price, multi-variations and auction-style listings. The durations are reset. For multi-quantity fixed price listings, we populate the quantity field with the quantity available as indicated by eBay after any sales.

We do not support classified ads.


Which SSB profile information is used for an item transfer?

We preserve the profile information (if any was entered) that was part of the original listing, but we assign a profile belonging to your Target Seller ID.
The reason for doing it this was is because you may have customized your profile information for your listings (our "this listing only" feature), and simply applying the profile information belonging to your Target Seller ID would cause this information to be lost.

If you do wish to use the profile information for your Target Seller ID,  use the single item transfer option and click "Edit Description" during the Transfer process. For the profile fields, uncheck the checkboxes, "this listing only" so that the profile information for your Target ID is revealed and then "Save Changes." Proceed with the transfer.


Which Paypal email address is used when my items are transferred?

We populate the Paypal email based on the user preferences eBay returns to us for your Target ID. Always review this email address before launching. You may change it if you wish. If you're using Business Policies, then we populate the information from your original business policies to the Terms section of the listing launcher. Note that we cannot match business policies for the original Seller ID to the business policies of the target Seller ID. Instead, we convert this information under the "Terms" tab. You are free, however, to select from your business policies instead. 

What if I have eBay stores? Will you match up my store categories?

At this time, because of how eBay store categories are numbered internally, we do not attempt to map items from store categories belonging to your original seller ID to your target ID. All items will be listed under the "Other" category in the target store. You may manually assign categories are you're transferring your items, or move them to the desired categories at eBay, or revise the listings after the fact to assign the intended store categories.

Will you transfer my showcase?

We do not transfer your showcase as it is coded to your original ID, so by default it's removed. If you wish to apply a showcase, click Edit Description during the transfer process and select the showcase that belongs to your Target ID. Then click "Save Changes" and proceed with the transfer. Note that showcases may be added later in bulk once you have transferred your items.


Will eBay charge insertion fees?

EBay does not officially have a mechanism for transferring items from one Seller ID to another. It's simply not supported. The transfer utility is actually copying your item information and sending a new item to your Target ID, and then ending your original item. If you have run out of your free listings or have exceeded your allowance for store items, then any transfers from SSB will incur eBay fees.


Will SSB charge transfer fees?

There are no extra fees charged by SSB for transferring your items, unless you ask us to have a member of our team transfer your items for you. Please email us for a quotation. There's a chance, depending on the number of items you're transferring that you may need to purchase additional hosting space to accommodate all of your images. Your hosting space is affected by the number of images per listing, the image width and quality chosen within the importer. 


Why could some items not be ended?

In some cases, eBay will not allow an item to be ended. This can happen if you have set a reserve price and it has been met, and less than 12 hours remain. If you have active offers on items, eBay will not allow the item to be ended. It is recommended before starting any transfers that your original items not have offers or bids on them.

Please note that eBay reserves the right to charge final value fees on ended items if there had been bids.  Please view eBay's restrictions on this page:

Ending Items at eBay


Can I transfer items from one eBay Site (such as UK) to another (such as US, or CA, or AU)?

You may only transfer items to the same site. For example,  if your item is listed at eBay UK, then you can only transfer to another UK seller ID. You may not transfer to another site. 


I imported my listings and ran out of hosting space. Why?

When importing your listings to Seller Sourcebook, the amount of hosting space required is dependent on the number of listings you imported, the number of images per listing, as well as the image width and quality settings selected during the importing process. Larger images and higher quality settings simply take up more space for storage. Additional hosting space may be added to a deluxe account. Please contact us for our pricing options.


I transferred my items and changed my mind. Can I restore my original listings?

Item transfers cannot be undone.


What happens to my transferred items if I were to cancel my service?

Per our Terms of Service, once your paid time has expired, all designer templates and images would be taken off-line. This means that the template graphics and embedded images would no longer display. Since the first 24 images are hosted by eBay, these are the only ones that would remain within your listings. 


10. Archived Listings

10.1. What are eBay archived listings?

eBay usually deletes listing data 60 to 90 days after an item has ended -- 60 days if posted on eBay directly, or 90 days if launched to eBay by a third party provider (such as SSB).

As of November 1, 2021, when one of your SSB listings ends, its listing data is automatically added to an "Archived" category on the eBay Items pages. This allows you to list an item at least a year after it has ended, even if the listing no longer exists at eBay. To access these listings, navigate to Listings > eBay Items > Archived and use the "Launch" action for the item. If you do not expect to need the listing record, you may use the "Delete" action. NOTE: If your item ended less than 90 days ago, you may also relist it from the unsold category as previously done.

This feature allows seasonal sellers to end items at eBay and to launch or schedule them again when needed. Unlike saved listing drafts, the COMPLETE listing is saved, including your listing category, item specifics, start pricing, shipping information, etc., so that it does not have to be reconstructed. Please keep in mind that eBay makes category changes twice per year (usually with their Spring and Fall Seller Updates), so please expect that you may need to select a new listing category for some items if your categories were affected.

Only items launched from SSB, or imported to SSB from eBay will be included in the archive when items end. Listings posted from eBay and never imported to SSB do not qualify for this archive. In other words, the listing information MUST exist in our database in order for us to include your items in the archive. Please do not delete images belonging to these listings if you expect to list them again.

Data older than a year past the original item's ending is subject to being purged from the archive. If you wish to hold onto data longer than one year, please contact our support desk for your options.

You may notice duplicates in the archive, if you have been relisting your items. You may delete these from within the archive if they are not needed. Please note that deleted archived items may not be restored.

Note: You must have an active SSB account to maintain your archived items. If you leave our service, this data is subject to deletion after 30 days. If you plan to return to our service, we suggest that you place your account in sleep mode (for a fee of $3.00 per month), where we place all your images and listing data in special backup for your anticipated return.