Home → Listing Launcher - Advanced - eBay or Bonanza → Launch to eBay → Launch Directly to eBay AU
The SSB Listing Launcher is seamlessly integrated with eBay.com.au giving SSB the ability to launch your listing directly to eBay AU.
Once you have your token and have created your listing in the SSB Listing Generator you are now ready to schedule or launch your listing to eBay AU.
Need help on getting your token and creating your listing so you may launch it? Please click on the Getting Started link on the left menu under Knowledge Books.
How to Launch Your Listing to eBay AU:
On the Action Bar (located at the top of bottom of the window based on your site preferences):
Click Estimate Fees & Finish to verify your information and eBay fees.
If you're not ready to launch yet, you may also:
Click Preview to preview your listing description.
Click Edit Description to edit the contents of your listing description. A pop-in window titled Edit Item Description will open, allowing you to make changes to the template, images, description text, etc. Click Save Changes to save your edits (or Cancel Changes to discard your edits) and return to the Listing Launcher.
Click Cancel Listing to abort the entire launch process and return to whichever page you were on before entering the Listing Launcher.
From the Estimate Fees Page: