Home → Listings → Listing Utilities → Listing Utilities: Listing Categories
Listings > Utilities > Listing Categories
The Listing Category Manager allows you to manage your listing categories. Here, you can create new categories in which to file your saved listing drafts and delete categories no longer in use. By using categories, you can keep your listing drafts well-organized and reduce time spent looking for the right draft in your Saved Listing Drafts page. You may have more than 100 listing categories.
How to rename a category:
Click the category's Rename button, enter the new name in the text field, and click on the Save button.
How to delete a category:
Click the icon to the right of the category.
If the category you wish to delete contains listing drafts, you will be asked what to do with those drafts. Use the "Action to take" dropdown to choose where they should go. "Send to Recycle Bin" is selected by default.
Keep Listings: When you click the Continue button, the category will be deleted, but its listing drafts will no longer be assigned to that category. (Drafts that were also assigned to other categories will still be assigned to those other categories. Drafts that were only assigned to the deleted category will become Uncategorized.)
Send to Recycle Bin: If you wish to delete all or most of the images, select Send to Recycle Bin from the the "Action to take" dropdown.
If you'd like a chance to confirm your decision, and keep any drafts or images you wouldn't want deleted with the rest of the category, make sure that the "Do not confirm - just remove" checkbox is NOT checkmarked. When you click Continue, you will be prompted to choose which drafts you would like to keep, if any. Checkmark the "Keep" checkbox next to any drafts you wish to keep. When you click Confirm Removal, the category will be deleted, and any drafts you did not choose to keep will be deleted with it. Any drafts you chose to keep will not longer be assigned to that category. (Drafts that were also assigned to other categories will still be assigned to those other categories. Drafts that were only assigned to the deleted category will become Uncategorized.)
Also Remove Images: If this option is checkmarked before clicking Continue, the images in the category's listing drafts will be deleted with their respective drafts. The confirmation screen allows you to change your mind before confirming removal. There, the option is named "Also send Images in selected listing drafts to the Recycle Bin".
Do not confirm - just remove: If this option is checkmarked before clicking Continue, the category will be deleted IMMEDIATELY upon clicking Continue, without a confirmation screen. You will not be given a chance to remove drafts from the list of drafts being deleted, or to change your mind about whether or not to also remove images. Do not checkmark this option unless you are absolutely sure that you don't wish to keep any of the drafts (or their images) in this category.
[ ! ] Deleting drafts does not affect your active listings, but deleting images can. If any of the images you deleted are still being used by active listings, they will no longer show in those listings once deleted. If you accidentally delete images that you need, you may want to restore them.
You may also click on the Cancel or Close button to cancel the category deletion.