HomeListingsSeller ProfilesSeller Profiles: Get an eBay Token

6.9. Seller Profiles: Get an eBay Token

Listings > Utilities > Seller Profiles

If you are listing at eBay US, UK, CA or AU then you can take advantage of our Listing Launcher which launches your listings directly to eBay. In order to use the launcher, you must first get a token for your eBay ID.

A token allows Seller Sourcebook to launch listing on your behalf without your having to reveal your eBay login information to us! If you have at least one profile for an eBay US, UK, CA, or AU ID, you will see the Launcher Token Management table appear just below your table of profiles.

You need get a token just once for each eBay ID. For example, if you have three different profiles for one eBay ID, you need to get your token just once. If you happen to have three eBay IDs, then you must get a token for each one.

How to get an eBay token:
Select Get a token from the action menu to the right of your seller ID. You will be redirected to eBay where you will be asked to log in with your eBay ID and password and give authorization for Seller Sourcebook to launch listings for you.

On the eBay page titled "Grant application access: Seller Sourcebook", click on the "Agree and Continue" button to generate a new token.

[!] If the Agree button is greyed out, you may not have scrolled through the entire permissions list. Move your mouse cursor over the list, and a scroll bar should appear. (If it doesn't, click within the area once.) If your mouse has a mouse wheel, scroll until you reach the bottom of the list. Otherwise, click and hold on the scroll bar and drag it down as far as it can go. The Agree button should then become blue and clickable.

When you have successfully obtained your token, you will be brought back to the Seller Profiles page and an expiration date for your token will appear. When this token expires, you will need to use the Refresh Token action.

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