HomeFAQsSeller ProfilesWhat is the Default Seller Profile for?

17.4. What is the Default Seller Profile for?

If you have more than one Seller Profile, you can select which one you would like to be used by default when you create a listing. The profile set as the Default Profile will be automatically selected when you start a new listing via Listings > Prepare > New Listing.
Additionally, if you will be using our Importer to import listings and apply SSB templates to them, we recommend setting the appropriate Seller Profile as your Default Profile before starting the process. When revising imported listings to edit their listing descriptions for the first time, your default profile is usually applied.
Note: This is due to how our program handles listings that don't have any profile information attached. When you click "Edit Description" in the Listing Launcher, our program checks the listing description's code for the SSB variables that tell it how to interpret the description. If it cannot determine which profile your listing belongs to (e.g. if the profile was deleted from SSB, or the profile ID is missing from the code, or no profile ID was ever placed in the listing), our program must decide which profile to select. It may load the most recently updated profile that matches the Seller ID, or it may simply load the Default Profile.

How to make a Seller Profile the Default Profile:
  1. Navigate to the Seller Profiles page (Listings > Utilities > Seller Profiles).
  2. Look in your Profile List for the profile you wish to set as default.
  3. From the actions menu for that profile, select the action Make this Default.
Your current Default Profile is marked with a green checkmark on the Profile List.
You will still be given the option to use a different profile within the Listing Generator, when making a new listing or editing a draft.

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