HomeListingsSeller ProfilesSeller Profiles: Delete

6.5. Seller Profiles: Delete

Listings > Utilities > Seller Profiles
How to Delete a Seller Profile:
To delete a Seller Profile, select Delete from the action menu next to the profile name. You will be asked if you're sure you wish to delete the profile, and warned against doing so if you still have any active listings using it. Click OK to continue.
If you did not make any saved listing drafts using that profile, the profile will be deleted immediately. However, if any of your current saved listing drafts were made using the profile you selected, you will be taken to a confirmation screen. You will be shown the number of drafts linked to that profile, and asked to choose an action. You may assign the listings using this profile to a different profile, delete the profile as well as the listing drafts that are tied to it, or choose to not delete the profile and leave it in your account.
Cancel Delete Profile: Click this button to cancel the deletion process and return you to the Seller Profiles page.
Delete SSB Listing(s) and Profile: Click this button to delete both the profile AND its saved listing drafts. If you checkmark "Delete images in selected listing drafts" before clicking the button, our system will also delete any images that were used in those drafts.
Link SSB Listing(s) to Selected Profile: Click this button to delete the profile and reassign its drafts to a different profile. Before clicking the button, use the selector below the button to select the profile you wish to move the drafts to. Otherwise, they may be assigned to your current default profile.

When the profile is deleted, you will be shown the message, "Your listing profile has been deleted successfully."

Note: If you delete a Seller Profile, the listings created using the seller profile that are live on eBay will not be able to be updated, as the listings are tied to the specific seller profile used when creating them. We recommend editing existing profiles instead of deleting and creating new ones, unless you are certain there are no live listings attached to the seller profile.

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