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The SSB Simple Listing Launcher is a streamlined launcher containing basic listing functions. It is seamlessly integrated with eBay.com giving SSB the ability to launch your listing directly to eBay US.
First, be sure you have created a profile and obtained your eBay token. You are now ready to launch your listing to eBay US.
How to Launch Your Listing to eBay US:
Navigate to Listings > Prepare > New Listing
At the Start Selling Now page, enter the search title you would use for your item and click Go!
You may simply enter a GTIN such as a UPC code or ISBN number and an eBay catalog search will be performed.
The listing steps are shown within the left pane. As you complete required information, you will see a green checkmark. All steps must be completed. You may skip sections, but all must be green checkmarked (indicating that you have the minimum information needed by eBay), before the Review & Launch button will appear at the bottom of the left pane. Yellow checkmarked steps require your review.
A list of Suggested Categories will appear based on the title you had entered. If your desired category is shown, click to select it. Otherwise, select from Previously Used Categories. If neither of these headings contain your category, you may enter the category number directly into the field provided and press your keyboard's ENTER key. To browse eBay's categories, click on the magnifying glass to search eBay. This allows you to "drill down" to your desired category. When you have successfully reached the end of the category path, the category number will appear in the Primary Category Number box. Optionally, you may select a Secondary Category.
If your category is supported by the eBay catalog, a Search for a product in eBay's catalog in your category button will appear.
NOTE: eBay store categories are not available within the Simple Lister. Please go to Site Preferences and switch your account to Advanced Lister to use them.
Click on the Images & Layout step in the left pane.
Under the Images heading, you may either Upload Images or Add from Image Manager.
Click the layout icon to select an image layout.
Click on Title, Header & Description. Notice that your Title has been carried over. The Listing header is optional, but an Item Description is required.
Click on Item Condition & Specifics. Select the Item Condition, and enter a Condition description. Input your item specifics. Any that are required are noted with red asterisks.
A GTIN (UPC or ISBN) is usually required. If you don't have one, click the GTIN not applicable slider to YES. Eventually, eBay will require all listings to have GTIN's (Global Trade Identification Numbers).
At Template & Options, choose a template category and the Template Gallery will open. Click on the template thumbnail to select it.
Template Options may be selected under the Template Options heading. Optionally, you may attach a Showcase and a Logo.
At Format & Price, choose your Listing Type, Duration and Price. Enter your quantity, Item Location and Seller's Postal Code.
Select Payment, Shipping & Returns. Most sellers will click the Terms tab and enter their Payment, Shipping and Return Terms. If you are using Business Policies, click on the Business Policy tab and select from among your policies.
When all required information has been entered, the Review & Launch button becomes available. Click on it to submit your listing to eBay for review.
The Review & Launch window will display any warnings or errors returned by eBay. Warnings do not prevent a listing from being launched, but errors must be addressed by clicking the FIX ERRORS button to return to the listing. Make any needed corrections and click Review & Launch again.
SSB Basic Accounts: If there are no errors, you will see the button, Launch Now.
SSB Deluxe Accounts: If there are no errors, you will see two buttons, Launch Now and Launch Later.
If you wish to launch immediately, click the Launch Now button. To schedule the listing, click Launch Later. A calendar application will open displaying the official eBay time and a calendar. Click on the calender icon to choose the month and date. Select the time using the option lists. Click on the Schedule button.