HomeFAQseBay Listing LauncherWhat fields are retained (sticky) on the listing launcher?

5.13. What fields are retained (sticky) on the listing launcher?

When you first launch a new listing at SSB, you must fill out the fields within the Listing Launcher so that eBay can accept your listing. Once you have launched a listing, the next time you create and launch a new listing, you will find that the information within some fields has been retained for your convenience. These fields are as follows:

Listing Type and Duration:
Listing Type 
Private Listing 

Quantity & Pricing:
Number of Items or Lots
Items per Lot

Sales Tax 

Listing Details: 

Item Location 
Seller's Postal Code 
Seller's Country 

Image Promotions:
Gallery image
eBay Picture Service
Enter Terms:
Payment Methods 
Domestic Shipping Services 
International Shipping Services 
Use Business Policies:
Instructions and Authorization 
Payment Policy 
Shipping Policy 
Return Policy 
You are free to make changes as needed, and such changes will be retained for the next new listing you launch.

In the case of using the Sell Similar, Revise or Relist functions, the Listing Launcher will load the all the information you had used before for that particular listing, including listing type, category, item specifics, start price, and BIN.

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