Home → Bonanza Items → Bonanza Items → Bonanza Items: Page Layout
Listings > Bonanza Items > Launched
Bonanza Item Page Layout:
1. Category Selector: Currently the only category available is All Launched.
2. ID filter: Select a specific Bonanza ID or all of them.
3. New List: Switch to a different Bonanza ID by selecting it then clicking the New List button.
4. Title/SKU/Item ID Search: Enter your Bonanza Item title, SKU or ID and perform a search for that listing.
5. Page Selector: Select page or use arrows to view previous or next page of listings.
6. Bulk Options: Bulk options that can be performed on selected listings.
7. Single Item Revise/Relist - Item ID: Enter your Bonanza Item ID and select action. Use for listings that are no longer displayed on the Bonanza Items pages.
8. Expand/Collapse All:Click arrow to expand or collapse all listings.
Single Listing Expanded View: Click the arrow to the left of the listing title to view all of the details for your listing. The arrow will point down, and the details of your listing will display.
Mousing over the magnifying glass next to the gallery image thumbnail will display a larger preview of your image. Listings that do not have gallery images selected for them will display the "No Image" graphic. If an image has been deleted from the Image Manager, a "Seller's Image No Longer Online" graphic will display.
Collapsed View: Collapse view to move details out of the way. This helps reduce the amount of scrolling on the page, and shows you the most important information about your listings.
9. Sort Order: Click arrow to reverse sort order.
10. Actions Selector: Offers actions available for your listing.
NOTE: The "Delete" action has been renamed to "Remove from SSB" to better reflect its function (06/10/2022)