Create Your Listing: First create your listing in the Listing Generator and click Prepare to Launch and you will land on the Listing Launcher.
Select Listing Type and Category: Select the Listing Type. The Fixed Price listing format is required for selling multi-quantity items, and eBay requires certain items to be listed using the catalog.
Currently the categories for eBay US are: * iPod and MP3 Players (subcategory #73839) * GPS Systems (subcategory #139835) * DVDs, HD DVDs & Blu-ray (subcategory #617)
IMPORTANT: Should you change your mind about your selection, you must click the Begin Search button and go through the search and selection process again.
Completing Your Listing
If you selected Use Title you will see that this title has replaced the title that had originally preloaded into our form from the Listing Generator. Sometimes eBay's title will exceed the 80-character limitation for a search title, and will get truncated. We suggest you review your title and make corrections.
Fill out the rest of the form and estimate fees. Required fields are indicated with asterisks, and dialog boxes will guide you to add any missing information.
Review your listing information and click the Launch Now button (or Schedule button if the scheduling option had been selected).